A Guide On NDIS Providers

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a government project to fund costs incurred by people with various disabilities. You can qualify for this program if you have a condition that hinders your daily functions. NDIS providers register and get paid for services rendered to disabled people in the country through the NDIS program. This piece discusses different types of NDIS providers.  Unregistered Some non-risk activities do not require that a provider registers with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Finding Good Group Home Care for People With Disabilities

Supported independent living is a group-home situation often used for the aged and for those with disabilities (or both). These homes have a few people living in them as residents, with staff on site to support each member of the home. Finding a group home can take some doing simply because you want to be sure you’re placing your family member in a situation that will allow them to be as independent as possible, but cared for enough so that they don’t end up having problems.